Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Structural Engineering Firm New Jersey

The world of Structural Engineering has fast evolved into a cost effective route that back fancy designs and looks that please the passerby. We offer a variety of Structural design services.
With the advent of CAD and further evolution of the Structural engineering domain, customization to the most intricate detail level is now possible and we keep you involved and engaged at all times during the project to ensure you get what you had asked for, in fact more !
From structural analysis to foundation repair to foundation repair we make sure that no stone is unturned in meeting your expectations.
While most Structural engineering companies focus on traditional and conventional means and methods, we make sure our processes are thoroughly evolving to meet deadlines and get over all bottlenecks.
Structural steel engineering is no child’s play and we ensure that we meet all industry standards in terms of basic design and load bearing in terms of safety pre-requisites and go that extra mile to create magic.
Our engineers are highly qualified professionals with strong academic backgrounds and robust industry experience. We have a highly co-ordinated organizational structure that ensures all project deadlines are met with quality and precision.
We lay a lot of impetus on the quality of material used since we believe in quality that lasts. We are also thoroughly aware of the complexities involved in specific needs of projects that require basement foundation repair and have all the technical expertise and experience to deliver so that you may breathe easy.
The overall foundation design repair process we follow is also very streamlined and ensures no hassles or disruption in services like gas supply which is networked at the foundation level. So more dependencies on foundation contractors, you know we are here to provide for your needs at competitive rates.
We have undertaken various projects in New Jersey and other major cities. Although we are a medium sized firm we have all the assets to match or outshine big firms which leaves you delighted since you have a single point of contact and don’t need to worry about the where about of different project managers at the various stages.
Our Professional Engineering Licences include : NJ, NY, CT, PA, FL, CO, MD, LA, OR, WI, AZ, IA, OK, IN, MA, VA, KY, WV, MN, DE, NE. This list is constantly expanding so please check with us.

Residential Home Inspection Licences include: NJ

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